Cisco Netcat
During my security work with Cisco Devices, i need a tool like netcat (nc).
Here you find some of my fist version.

Waring: it can crash your Device !!

Because it's very buggy and still alpha

Cisco netcat
Current Version 0.08 supports following options:  
 evil-router#cnc -h
 cnc.tcl -l port             / listen on port
 cnc.tcl -x port             / listen on port and execute command
 cnc.tcl -e port             / listen on port and echo
 cnc.tcl -f port filename    / listen on port and create a file with filename
 cnc.tcl -f 0    filename    / listen stdin and create a file with filename
 cnc.tcl -s port ipaddress   / send to ipaddress port
 cnc.tcl -v                  / show version
 cnc.tcl -h                  / show help

(c) 2008 by / last update: 11.10.2008