common Filters
ip multicastIP Multicast
ether multicastEthernet Multicast

IP Filters
ip[0] & 0x0flow nibble: header length in 4octet words. should be 5
ip[1]type of service/QoS/DiffServ
ip[2:2]total length of datagram in octets
ip[4:2]IP ID number
ip[6] & 0x80reserved bit (possibly used for ECN)
ip[6] & 0x40DF bit
ip[6] & 0x20MF bit
ip[6:2] & 0x1ffffragment offset (number of 8octet blocks)
ip[10:2]header checksum
ip[12:4]source IP
ip[16:4]destination IP
(ip[12:4] = ip[16:4])Src IP = Dest IP (land attack)
ip[0] & 0xf0high nibble: IP version. almost always 4
(ip[0] & 0xf0 != 0x40)IP versions !=4
(ip[0:1] & 0x0f > 5)IP with options set
(ip[19] = 0xff)Broadcasts to x.x.x.255
(ip[19] = 0x00)Broadcasts to x.x.x.0
(ip and ip[1] & 0xfc == 0xb8)search for EF in DSCP
(ip and ip[1] & 0xfc == 0x28)search for AF11 in DSCP
(ip and ip[1] & 0xfc != 0x00)search for DCSP Packets != 0
(ip[6] & 0x20 != 0) && (ip[6:2] & 0x1fff = 0)initial fragments
(ip[6] & 0x20 != 0) && (ip[6:2] & 0x1fff != 0)intervening fragments
(ip[6] & 0x20 = 0) && (ip[6:2] & 0x1fff != 0)terminal fragments
(ip[0] & 0x0f) != 5has ip options (or is truncated, or is just some sort of freak...)
ip[8] < 5short TTL value
ip[6] = 32MF set
iip[2:2] > 999IP Packet greater then 999

ICMP Filters
icmp[0]=0x#all Packets with ICMP Type
icmp[0]=0x# and icmp[1]=0x#all Packets with ICMP Type X and Code = Y
icmp[0]=8ICMP Request Messages
icmp[8]=0ICMP Request Replay
icmp[0]=0x11ICMP Address Mask Request
icmp[0]=0x12ICMP Address Mask Replay
icmp[0]=11 and icmp[1]=0ICMP Time Exeedet
icmp[0]=3 and icmp[1]=4ICMP Time Exeedet
icmp[0]=8 and ip[2:2] > 64Large ICMP Packets

TCP Filters
tcp[0:2]source port
tcp[2:2]destination port
tcp[4:4]sequence number
tcp[8:4]ack number
tcp[12]header length
tcp[13]tcp flags
---- --S-       0000 0010 = 0x02   normal syn
---A --S-       0001 0010 = 0x12   normal syn-ack
---A ----       0001 0000 = 0x10   normal ack
--UA P---       0011 1000 = 0x38   psh-urg-ack. interactive stuff like ssh
---A -R--       0001 0100 = 0x14   rst-ack. it happens.
---- --SF       0000 0011 = 0x03   syn-fin scan
--U- P--F       0010 1001 = 0x29   urg-psh-fin. nmap fingerprint packet
-Y-- ----       0100 0000 = 0x40   anything >= 0x40 has a reserved bit set
XY-- ----       1100 0000 = 0xC0   both reserved bits set
XYUA PRSF       1111 1111 = 0xFF   FULL_XMAS scan
tcp[14:2]window size
tcp[18:2]urgent pointer
tcp[13] = 0x02is SYN. nothing else.
(tcp[13] & 0x02) != 0contains SYN. we don't care what else...
(tcp[13] & 0x03) = 3is some kind of SYN-FIN. realy Bad
winnuke (not tested)
tcp[20:4] = 0x47455420GET in request

UDP Filters
udp[0:2]source port
udp[2:2]destination port
udp[4:2]datagram length
udp[6:2]UDP checksum

ip[9] == 8EGP
ip[9] == 9IGP
ip[9] == 88EIRGP
ip[9] == 50ESP
ip[9] == 51AH
ip[9] == 89OSPF
ip[9] == 124ISIS
other, see /etc/protocols

Routing Protocols
(udp and port 520) or (host 1 + 2
tcp and port 179BGP
ip[9] == 8EGP
ip[9] == 9IGP
ip[9] == 88EIRGP
ip[9] == 89OSPF
ip[9] == 124ISIS

ether Filters
ether[20:2] == 0x2000CDP pakets
ether[12:2] == 0x0806ARP pakets

ip6filters native IPv6 traffic (including ICMPv6)
icmp6filters native ICMPv6 traffic
proto ipv6filters tunneled IPv6-in-IPv4 traffic
ip6 and (ip6[6] == 0x06)IPv6 TCP
ip6 and (ip6[6] == 0x06) and (ip6[53] == 0x02)IPv6 TCP Syn
ip6 and (ip6[6] == 0x06) and (ip6[53] == 0x10)IPv6 TCP ACK
ip6 and (ip6[6] == 0x06) and (ip6[53] == 0x12)IPv6 TCP Syn/ACK
ip6 and (ip6[6] == 0x11)IPv6 TCP
(ip6[6] == 0x3a)ICMP v6
(ip6[6] == 0x3a) and (ip6[40] == 0x01)ipv6 and type 1 Dest Unreachable
(ip6[6] == 0x3a) and (ip6[40] == 0x02)ipv6 and type 2 Packet too big
(ip6[6] == 0x3a) and (ip6[40] == 0x03)ipv6 and type 3 Time Exeedet
(ip6[6] == 0x3a) and (ip6[40] == 0x04)ipv6 and type 4 Parameter Problem
(ip6[6] == 0x3a) and (ip6[40] == 0x80)ipv6 and type 128 Echo Request
(ip6[6] == 0x3a) and (ip6[40] == 0x81)ipv6 and type 129 Echo Reply
(ip6[6] == 0x3a) and (ip6[40] == 0x86)ipv6 and type 133 Router Solicitation
(ip6[6] == 0x3a) and (ip6[40] == 0x87)ipv6 and type 134 Router Advertisement
(ip6[6] == 0x3a) and (ip6[40] == 0x88)ipv6 and type 135 Neighbor Solicitation
(ip6[6] == 0x3a) and (ip6[40] == 0x89)ipv6 and type 136 Neighbor Advertisement

MY Filters
tcpdump 'ether[0] & 1 = 0 and ip[16] >= 224'IP broadcast or multicast packets that were not sent via ethernet broadcast or multicast:

More Infos

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