With some snmp set command, its possible to get the running config from an Router or switch via tftp to a remote server, or copy an new connfig to a cisoc device from a tftp server.
Get a config to a tftp server from a Cisco Device
Sample Script, to build your own script.
# cisco_get.sh
# version 0.04
# date: 27.09.2008
# packetlevel.ch / chw
# MYIP -> IP Address of the TFTP Server
# IP Address of the Cisco Devcie
# or if you have a text file with ip addresses
# IP=`cat myiplist.txt`
# COMM -> RW community of the Cisco Devices (some old defaults are private)
# MAIN Loop -> creats a file with the name $TARGET.config
for i in $IP ;
do {
echo $i
snmpset -t 1 -c $COMM -v 1 $TARGET .$TFTPIP s "$TARGET.config" &
} ; done
Put a config to from tftp server to the Cisco Device
Sample Script, to build your own script.
# cisco_put.sh
# version 0.06
# date: 27.09.2008
# packetlevel.ch / chw
# MYIP -> IP Address of the TFTP Server
# IP Address of the Cisco Devcie
# or if you have a text file with ip addresses
# IP=`cat myiplist.txt`
# COMM -> RW community of the Cisco Devices (some old defaults are private)
# MAIN Loop -> gets a file with the name $TARGET.config from the tftp server to the Cisco Devices and copy its to startup config
for i in $IP ;
do {
echo $i
snmpset -t 1 -c $COMM -v 1 $TARGET .$TFTPIP s "$TARGET.config"
snmpset -t 1 -c $COMM -v 1 $TARGET . i 1
} ; done
# end
Scripts to download